New product identity of Chocolate Marou: “Localizing” the design idea, bringing chocolate into the coffee-milk culture

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Chocolate has always been a beloved treat all around the world. From bars to truffles, there are endless varieties and flavors to indulge in. However, in recent years, there has been a shift towards artisanal and locally sourced chocolates, with an emphasis on unique flavor profiles and sustainable practices. This trend has given rise to small-batch chocolate makers who are passionate about creating high-quality products that reflect their cultural heritage. One such company is Marou Chocolate, based in Vietnam.

Marou Chocolate was founded by two Frenchmen, Vincent Mourou and Samuel Maruta, who fell in love with the cacao grown in Vietnam and decided to create their own brand. The company’s mission is to showcase the rich flavors of Vietnamese cacao and bring it to the world through their handcrafted chocolate bars. With their latest product line, SAY Sô-Cô-La Cà Phe Sua, Marou Chocolate takes their mission a step further by incorporating traditional Vietnamese coffee and milk into their chocolate, making it a perfect representation of the country’s coffee-milk culture.

In this article, we will explore the new product line of Marou Chocolate, the inspiration behind its design, and how it perfectly captures the essence of Vietnamese coffee and milk culture.

Introducing SAY Sô-Cô-La Cà Phê Sữa: The Blend of Flavors and Community

SAY Sô-Cô-La Cà Phê Sữa is a new addition to Marou Chocolate’s range of artisanal chocolates. This unique product combines the rich flavors of organic robusta coffee, condensed milk, and Vietnamese cacao, creating a perfect blend of sweetness and bitterness. The name of the product is a combination of three words – “say,” “sô-cô-la,” and “cà phê sữa” – which translate to “combine,” “chocolate,” and “coffee with milk” in English. This reflects the essence of the product, which is a combination of three distinct flavors.

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This distinctive product blends organic robusta coffee, condensed milk, and Vietnamese cacao for a harmonious balance of sweetness and bitterness

The Design Inspiration: The Swirling Pattern

The design of SAY Sô-Cô-La Cà Phê Sữa is eye-catching and vibrant, perfectly representing the fusion of flavors within. The main feature of the design is a swirling pattern that creates a mesmerizing effect when viewed from different angles. According to Marou Chocolate, this pattern is inspired by the coming together of different flavors and communities to create something unique.

The company has always been committed to working closely with local farmers and producers to source their ingredients, and in turn, support the community. This is reflected in the swirling pattern, which represents the merging of flavors and cultures to create something new and exciting.

The Color Inspiration: The Blend of Coffee and Milk

Apart from the swirling pattern, the colors used in the design are also significant. The various shades of brown, white, and yellow represent the natural colors of the ingredients used – robusta coffee, condensed milk, and cacao. These colors are not only visually appealing but also reflect the blend of coffee and milk, which are essential elements of Vietnamese culture.

The use of organic robusta coffee in the chocolate also highlights the company’s commitment to sustainability and supporting local farmers. Robusta coffee is grown in Vietnam and is known for its strong flavor, making it the perfect addition to the chocolate.

The Meaning Behind “SAY”

The word “say” in the product name has multiple meanings. Firstly, it represents the act of combining different flavors to create something extraordinary. It also reflects the intoxicating pleasure of indulging in rich and flavorful chocolate, adding a touch of romance to the product. Furthermore, “say” also means “sugar” in Vietnamese, which is a crucial ingredient in both coffee and chocolate.

The Message: Bringing Vietnamese Chocolate Adventures to the World

The new product line of SAY Sô-Cô-La Cà Phê Sữa not only represents the blend of flavors and community but also carries a powerful message. Through this product, Marou Chocolate aims to remind people of their mission – to bring Vietnamese chocolate adventures to the world. The company’s dedication to showcasing the unique flavors of Vietnamese cacao and incorporating them into their products is what makes them stand out in the market.

The Making of SAY Sô-Cô-La Cà Phê Sữa: A Combination of Art and Science

Apart from the delicious flavors and beautiful design, what sets SAY Sô-Cô-La Cà Phê Sữa apart is the intricate process that goes into making it. Each step is carefully thought out and executed to ensure that the end product is of the highest quality and reflects the essence of Vietnamese cacao, coffee, and milk.

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Marou Chocolate collaborates closely with local farmers and producers to source the finest organic robusta coffee, condensed milk, and Vietnamese cacao

Sourcing High-Quality Ingredients

The first step in creating SAY Sô-Cô-La Cà Phê Sữa is sourcing high-quality ingredients. Marou Chocolate works closely with local farmers and producers, ensuring that they use the best organic robusta coffee, condensed milk, and Vietnamese cacao. This not only supports the community but also guarantees that the ingredients used are of the highest quality.

Roasting and Grinding the Cacao Beans

The cacao beans used in SAY Sô-Cô-La Cà Phê Sữa are roasted and ground in-house, allowing the company to have complete control over the flavor profile. The beans are roasted at low temperatures to preserve their natural flavors, and then ground into a fine paste. This paste, also known as cocoa mass, is then refined to remove any impurities and create a smooth texture.

Adding Coffee and Milk to the Mix

Once the cocoa mass is ready, it is mixed with organic robusta coffee and condensed milk. This is where the magic happens! The flavors of the coffee and milk blend perfectly with the cacao, creating a decadent and unique taste. The proportions of each ingredient are carefully measured to ensure that none overpowers the other, resulting in a harmonious blend of flavors.

The Conching Process

The next step is conching, which involves mixing and refining the chocolate for several hours at a controlled temperature. This process helps to develop the flavors and create a smooth and velvety texture. It also removes any excess moisture and gives the chocolate its signature shine.

Tempering and Molding

The final step is tempering, which involves heating and cooling the chocolate to give it the perfect shine and snap. Once tempered, the chocolate is poured into molds and allowed to cool and set. The result is a beautifully crafted chocolate bar with a unique swirling pattern, representing the merging of flavors and community.

SAY Sô-Cô-La Cà Phê Sữa and Vietnamese Coffee Culture: A Perfect Match

Vietnam is known for its strong and flavorful coffee, which is an integral part of the country’s culture. From traditional coffee shops to street vendors, coffee is everywhere in Vietnam. And when paired with sweet and rich condensed milk, it creates a unique flavor profile that has become synonymous with Vietnamese coffee culture.

With SAY Sô-Cô-La Cà Phê Sữa, Marou Chocolate has not only created a delicious treat but also paid homage to the coffee culture of Vietnam. The combination of organic robusta coffee and condensed milk in this chocolate reflects the classic flavors of Vietnamese coffee, making it a perfect match for those who want to experience a piece of the country’s culture through their taste buds.

Apart from the flavor, the design of SAY Sô-Cô-La Cà Phê Sữa also captures the essence of Vietnamese coffee culture, making it a perfect representation of the country. The swirling pattern and vibrant colors reflect the liveliness and energy of Vietnam’s coffee shops and the people who frequent them.

The Health Benefits of SAY Sô-Cô-La Cà Phê Sữa: Indulge Guilt-Free!

When we think of chocolate, the first thing that comes to mind is indulgence. However, with SAY Sô-Cô-La Cà Phê Sữa, you can indulge in guilt-free pleasure. This unique product not only tastes delicious but also has several health benefits, making it a perfect treat for any occasion.

Chocolate - Impact on health

This distinctive product not only offers delicious taste but also boasts several health benefits, making it an ideal treat for any occasion

Organic Robusta Coffee

Organic robusta coffee, which is used in SAY Sô-Cô-La Cà Phê Sữa, is known for its high caffeine content and strong flavor. It is said to have several health benefits, including improving cognitive function, boosting metabolism, and reducing the risk of certain diseases.

Condensed Milk

Condensed milk is a staple ingredient in many Vietnamese desserts and drinks, and for good reason! Apart from adding a touch of sweetness to SAY Sô-Cô-La Cà Phê Sữa, condensed milk is also a good source of calcium, protein, and essential vitamins and minerals. It is also known to boost energy levels and improve digestion.

Vietnamese Cacao

The star ingredient of SAY Sô-Cô-La Cà Phê Sữa – Vietnamese cacao – is known for its rich flavor and several health benefits. Cacao is a potent antioxidant and is also a good source of vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, and calcium. It is also said to improve heart health and reduce stress levels.

With SAY Sô-Cô-La Cà Phê Sữa, you can indulge in a delicious treat while reaping the benefits of these natural and high-quality ingredients.

SAY Sô-Cô-La Cà Phê Sữa: Perfect for Gifting

Looking for a unique and delicious gift? Look no further than SAY Sô-Cô-La Cà Phê Sữa! This beautifully designed chocolate bar makes for a perfect gift for any occasion. Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or just a sweet gesture to show someone you care, SAY Sô-Cô-La Cà Phê Sữa is sure to impress.

The vibrant packaging and the story behind the product make it a standout gift, perfect for anyone who appreciates artisanal chocolates and cultural experiences. You can also pair it with a bag of organic robusta coffee or condensed milk to create a complete Vietnamese coffee experience.

SAY Sô-Cô-La Cà Phê Sữa: Where to Find It?

SAY Sô-Cô-La Cà Phê Sữa is currently available in select markets around the world, including Vietnam, France, Japan, and the United States. However, with the increasing popularity of Marou Chocolate and their latest product line, we can expect to see it in more stores soon.

You can also purchase SAY Sô-Cô-La Cà Phê Sữa directly from the Marou Chocolate website, where they ship worldwide. So, no matter where you are, you can get your hands on this delicious and unique chocolate bar.


SAY Sô-Cô-La Cà Phê Sữa is not just another chocolate bar; it is a perfect representation of Vietnamese coffee and milk culture. With its blend of flavors, vibrant design, and powerful message, it captures the essence of Vietnam and brings it to the world in a delectable form. The careful selection of high-quality ingredients, the intricate process of creating it, and the commitment to sustainability make SAY Sô-Cô-La Cà Phê Sữa a truly special product. So, the next time you crave a piece of chocolate, opt for SAY Sô-Cô-La Cà Phê Sữa and indulge in a unique and delicious experience.

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