Paradox: Employees go Healing to find new energy because team building is cut

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In today’s fast-paced and competitive work environment, teamwork and camaraderie have become crucial aspects for the success of any organization. Companies invest a significant amount of time and resources in team building activities to foster a strong and cohesive team dynamic. However, the economic crisis and COVID-19 pandemic have brought about unprecedented challenges for businesses, leading to many companies cutting down on their team building activities. This decision may seem practical from a financial standpoint, but it can have adverse effects on employee morale and productivity. In this paradoxical situation, where team building is reduced, employees are turning to “healing” to rejuvenate themselves and find new energy.

The term “healing” may seem unusual in the context of corporate culture, but it refers to the psychological and emotional process of recovering from stress and burnout. In the absence of team building activities, many employees have resorted to self-care methods to cope with the additional workload and lack of social interactions. This article will delve into the reasons behind the growing trend of “healing” amongst employees, the impact of canceled team building activities, and the role of companies in supporting their employees’ self-healing efforts during difficult times.

The Impact of Canceling Team Building Activities

The economic crisis and COVID-19 pandemic have forced many companies to cancel or significantly reduce their team building activities. These activities range from annual company retreats to smaller events like team lunches or sports tournaments. While these events may seem like mere recreational activities, they play a vital role in fostering team spirit, boosting employee morale, and promoting a healthy work-life balance. Let us explore the various ways in which the cancelation of team building activities has impacted employees and organizations.

Disappointment among Employees

Annual team building events are highly anticipated by employees as they provide an opportunity to bond with their colleagues outside of work. These events often involve fun and engaging activities that help break the monotony of daily work life and allow employees to step out of their comfort zones. However, due to financial constraints, many companies have had to cancel these trips, leaving employees disappointed.

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The cancellation of team building activities has been especially disheartening for staff

The cancelation of team building activities, especially during the pandemic, has been particularly disheartening for employees. With the added stress and uncertainty brought about by the pandemic, team building events served as a much-needed break for employees. The cancelation of these events has left employees feeling demotivated and disconnected from their teams.

Loss of Team Dynamics

Team building activities are designed to promote trust, collaboration, and effective communication amongst team members. They provide an opportunity for employees to get to know each other on a personal level and build strong relationships outside the office. However, with the cancelation of these activities, employees have lost out on the chance to strengthen their team dynamics. This can have a detrimental impact on teamwork, leading to reduced productivity and increased conflicts within the team.

Escalation of Work-Related Stress

The cancelation of team building activities has also led to an increase in work-related stress among employees. These activities not only serve as a form of relaxation but also help employees develop new skills and learn from their colleagues. Without these opportunities, employees may feel overwhelmed and burnt out with their daily workload. This can impact their mental health and overall well-being, resulting in decreased motivation and productivity at work.

Employees’ Healing Efforts

In light of the cancelation of team building activities, many employees have taken matters into their own hands and turned to self-healing methods. These methods have helped them cope with the additional workload and maintain a sense of balance in their lives. Let us explore some of the ways in which employees are healing themselves amidst the current circumstances.

Taking Short Trips

Many employees have resorted to taking short trips, often during weekends or holidays, to rejuvenate themselves and escape the pressures of daily work life. These trips could be as simple as a day trip to the countryside or a weekend getaway to a nearby beach. Such trips provide employees with an opportunity to unwind, recharge, and return to work with renewed energy.

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Numerous employees have opted to take brief trips, often on weekends or holidays, to refresh themselves and unwind from the pressures of daily work life

Pursuing Hobbies and Interests

With the cancelation of team building activities, employees have more free time on their hands. Instead of feeling demotivated and disconnected from their teams, many employees have taken this opportunity to pursue their hobbies and interests. Engaging in activities like painting, cooking, or playing a musical instrument can serve as a form of therapy and help employees cope with stress and anxiety.

Practicing Mindfulness and Self-Care

The pandemic has brought about a new level of uncertainty and stress for individuals worldwide. To cope with this, many employees have turned to mindfulness and self-care practices. These include meditation, yoga, journaling, and setting aside time for self-reflection. These practices have proven to be effective in managing stress, improving mental health, and increasing overall well-being.

Companies’ Role in Supporting Employees’ Healing Efforts

As businesses continue to navigate through these challenging times, it is crucial for them to recognize the impact of canceled team building activities on their employees. While it may seem practical to cut down on such expenses, it can have long-term consequences for employee motivation and team effectiveness. Companies should consider the following ways to support their employees’ healing efforts during these trying times.

Encouraging Small Gestures of Care and Support

Small gestures of care and support can go a long way in boosting employee morale and motivation. Companies can show their support for their employees’ self-healing efforts by organizing virtual team lunches or sending personalized gifts to their employees’ homes. These gestures will not only make employees feel appreciated but also help maintain a sense of connection and belonging within the team.

Providing Flexible Work Arrangements

In light of the pandemic, many companies have adopted remote work arrangements to ensure the safety of their employees. However, working from home comes with its own set of challenges, including blurred lines between work and personal life. Companies can support their employees’ self-healing efforts by providing flexible work arrangements, such as reduced work hours or a day off during the week. This will allow employees to take breaks and focus on their well-being without compromising their work responsibilities.

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Companies can aid their employees’ self-healing endeavors by offering flexible work arrangements, such as reduced hours or a midweek day off

Organizing Virtual Team Building Activities

While in-person team building activities may not be feasible at the moment, companies can consider organizing virtual team building activities. These could include online games, workshops, or even virtual happy hours. Such activities will provide employees with an opportunity to bond with their colleagues and foster team spirit, even in a remote work setting.


In conclusion, the current paradoxical situation where team building is reduced, and employees turn to “healing” highlights the importance of fostering a healthy work culture and maintaining employee well-being. Companies cannot neglect the impact of canceled team building activities on their employees’ mental health and motivation levels. Instead, they should explore ways to support their employees’ self-healing efforts and promote a positive work environment. As the saying goes, “a happy employee is a productive employee,” and investing in employee well-being will only benefit the organization in the long run.

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