The Power of Creativity IKEA’s Innovative Advertising Solution with Nissedal Mirrors Powered by Solar Energy

IKEA - Advertising campaign

The world of advertising is constantly evolving, with brands and companies on the lookout for innovative ways to capture the attention of their target audience. In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on creativity and the use of technology in advertising campaigns. One such example is the collaboration between furniture giant IKEA and solar energy company Nissedal to create an eye-catching and eco-friendly advertising solution.

In this article, we will dive deep into this unique advertising campaign and explore how IKEA and Nissedal have successfully combined creativity and sustainability to create a one-of-a-kind marketing strategy. We will also discuss the impact of this campaign on both companies and the larger advertising industry.

The Collaboration Between IKEA and Nissedal

Background on IKEA and Nissedal

IKEA, founded in 1943 by Ingvar Kamprad, is a Swedish multinational furniture retailer known for its ready-to-assemble furniture, home accessories, and kitchen appliances. With a presence in over 50 countries and annual sales of $44 billion, IKEA is one of the largest furniture retailers in the world.

Nissedal, on the other hand, is a Swedish renewable energy company specializing in solar panels. The company was established in 2002 and has since become a leading supplier of sustainable energy solutions in Europe. Nissedal’s mission is to promote the use of clean and renewable energy sources, making it an ideal partner for IKEA’s sustainability efforts.

The Motivation Behind the Collaboration

In recent years, IKEA has been actively incorporating sustainability into its business operations. From using renewable energy sources in their stores to introducing eco-friendly products, the company has been taking steps towards reducing its carbon footprint. In 2017, IKEA announced its commitment to becoming a net-zero carbon emission company by 2030. This goal has been a driving force behind the collaboration with Nissedal.

Apart from promoting sustainability, IKEA also wanted to find a unique and innovative way to advertise their products. With traditional advertising methods becoming increasingly saturated, IKEA saw an opportunity to stand out by using technology and creativity in their campaigns. This led to the partnership with Nissedal to create a never-before-seen advertising medium.

IKEA - Collaboration

The Collaboration Between IKEA and Nissedal

The Nissedal Mirrors: A Unique Advertising Medium

How the Nissedal Mirrors Work

The Nissedal mirrors are an unconventional and ingenious way of advertising. These mirrors are equipped with solar panels that absorb sunlight during the day and convert it into electricity. The electricity is then used to power LED lights embedded in the frames of the mirrors. The result is a glowing advertisement that can be seen even in low light conditions.

The mirrors are strategically placed in public spaces, such as bus stops and train stations, where they can attract a large number of people. The LED lights can be programmed to display different messages and images, making the advertising medium versatile and eye-catching.

IKEA - Nissedal Mirrors

The Nissedal mirrors represent a creative and unconventional approach to advertising

Benefits of Using Solar Energy in Advertising

The use of solar energy in advertising offers several benefits, both for the companies involved and the environment. For starters, the use of solar panels reduces the carbon footprint of the advertising campaign. This aligns with IKEA’s goal of becoming a net-zero carbon emission company.

Moreover, solar-powered advertising is cost-effective in the long run. While there is an initial investment in setting up the infrastructure, the use of solar energy eliminates the need for traditional sources of electricity, which can be expensive. This makes it a sustainable and cost-efficient solution for businesses.

Creativity Meets Sustainability: The Concept Behind the Campaign

The Inspiration Behind the Idea

The concept behind the collaboration between IKEA and Nissedal was born out of the desire to create something unique, eye-catching, and environmentally friendly. The idea stemmed from the fact that mirrors are used in everyday life, making them an ideal medium for advertising. By combining this commonly used item with technology and sustainability, the two brands were able to come up with a never-before-seen advertising solution.

Execution of the Campaign

To execute the campaign, IKEA and Nissedal strategically placed the solar-powered mirrors in various locations across Stockholm, Sweden. The chosen sites included bus stops, train stations, and parks, where people would normally gather. The mirrors displayed different messages and images, all promoting IKEA’s furniture and Nissedal’s renewable energy solutions.

The campaign received widespread media coverage, with people sharing photos and videos of the glowing mirrors on social media platforms. This not only increased the reach of the campaign but also created buzz and excitement around the collaboration.

Impact on Brands and Consumers

Positive Brand Image for IKEA and Nissedal

The collaboration between IKEA and Nissedal has had a positive impact on both brands. For IKEA, it reinforced their commitment to sustainability and innovation, further strengthening their brand image. The campaign also garnered attention from the media, increasing brand visibility for both companies.

As for Nissedal, the partnership with a well-known brand like IKEA helped to establish itself as a leader in the renewable energy industry. This collaboration provided an opportunity for Nissedal to showcase its products and services to a wider audience, ultimately leading to potential business opportunities.

Consumer Response and Engagement

The Nissedal mirrors campaign received overwhelmingly positive feedback from consumers. People were impressed by the creativity and the use of solar energy in advertising. The campaign also sparked conversations about the importance of sustainability and how businesses can contribute to creating a greener future.

Moreover, the campaign was highly engaging, with people taking photos and videos of the mirrors and sharing them on social media. This organic user-generated content not only increased brand exposure but also created a sense of community around the campaign.

IKEA - Positive impact

The partnership between IKEA and Nissedal has benefited both brands positively

The Future of Advertising: Creativity and Sustainability

Potential for Similar Collaborations

The success of the collaboration between IKEA and Nissedal opens up possibilities for similar partnerships in the future. We may see more brands teaming up with sustainable energy companies to create innovative advertising solutions that are both eye-catching and eco-friendly. This trend could also extend to other industries, such as fashion and technology, where there is a growing interest in sustainability.

Importance of Innovation in Advertising

The Nissedal mirrors campaign showcased the power of creativity and innovation in advertising. In today’s fast-paced world, where consumers are constantly bombarded with advertisements, it is crucial to stand out and capture their attention. By incorporating technology and sustainability into advertising, brands can capture the attention of their target audience while also promoting their values and initiatives.


The partnership between IKEA and Nissedal to create the Nissedal mirrors advertising campaign is an example of how creativity and sustainability can be combined to create a powerful marketing strategy. By using solar energy in their advertising, the two brands not only promoted their products and services but also reinforced their commitment to sustainability and innovation.

This collaboration has set a precedent for future partnerships between companies from different industries looking to make a positive impact on the environment and stand out in the crowded advertising landscape. The Nissedal mirrors campaign serves as a reminder that with creativity and a shared vision, anything is possible.

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